Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Partnership HR: New Norms for Effective Recruitment, Performance, and Training of Today's Workforce by Irving H. Buchen

Partnership HR: New Norms for Effective Recruitment, Performance, and Training of Today's Workforce by Irving H. Buchen

Partnership HR: New Norms for Effective Recruitment, Performance, and Training of Today's Workforce

Partnership HR: New Norms for Effective Recruitment, Performance, and Training of Today's Workforce by Irving H. Buchen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Outsourcing. Global expansion. And a growing brain drain of American-trained talent. Is business losing its edge? This bold, fresh look at the positive forces driving the global competitiveness of U.S. business demonstrates that the American work ethic is alive and well—and credits human resources with giving it a new lease on life. Focusing on how HR has successfully merged research, technology and metrics to document and measure workplace culture, Partnership HR illuminates the creativity and innovation of today's workforce and its willingness to do whatever it takes to catch up, keep up and get ahead. Author Irving Buchen challenges organizational leaders and HR professionals alike to continue building alliances across the organization as advocates for the growth of the workforce, and to nurture and support this new performance ethic. He explores the key facets of recruitment and retention, delivers a new handbook for evaluation and training and examines the changing role of human resources and the developing workplace demographics. With exercises, tools and best-practice examples, Partnership HR offers key lessons from the very best and most successful companies that are encouraging the development of emerging worker hybrids—employee-managers, manager-leaders and leader-futurists—whose job profiles benchmark the future of HR.

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