Kim Jong-Un: SuperHuman by Holy Ghost Writer
Kim Jong-Un: SuperHuman by Holy Ghost Writer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What if everything you thought you knew about one of the world's most reviled countries is a lie, propagated by powerful secret societies with their own agendas? And what if that same country's leader was not a power-hungry, cruel dictator but instead was a young man with amazing powers he used for the good of his people?The answer to these questions lies within the pages of Kim Jong-un: Superhuman.
Blending humor and action, the Holy Ghost Writer brings you the story of Kim Jong-un, from his birth to his time at university to his ascension to power within North Korea; from his development of mysterious powers soon after birth to his romance with a young South Korean woman that has the potential to change the world, this is a side of the dictator readers could never have expected--but also one which they will thoroughly enjoy.
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