Medicare Explained by CCH Health Law Editorial
Medicare Explained by CCH Health Law Editorial PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The 2007 Medicare Explained is CCH's annual, one-volume overview description of the benefits available under the Medicare program, updated to include all legislative and regulatory changes through December 15th, 2006. This year's edition provides a detailed explanation of Medicare Part A (the Hospital Insurance program), Part B (the Supplemental Medical Insurance program), Part C (the Medicare Advantage program, formerly known as the Medicare+Choice managed care program) and Part D (the prescription drug benefit currently administered through a discount card and to be fully implemented on January 1, 2006). The book includes analysis of legislative, regulatory and agency guidance issuance on the available benefits; exclusions from Medicare; the administration of the Medicare program; and Medicare payment rules under Parts A, B, and D. The book also details the process for submitting beneficiary claims as well as the appeals process. Benefits and Features - CCH's annual, one-volume overview of the Medicare program is updated to include all legislative and regulatory changes through the end of 2006. - Provides a detailed explanation of Medicare Part A (the Hospital Insurance program), Part B (the Supplemental Medical Insurance program), Part C (the Medicare Advantage program), and the new prescription drug benefit (Medicare Part D). - Includes legislative and regulatory analysis on the exclusions from Medicare; the administration of the Medicare program; and Medicare payment rules under Parts A, B, and C. - Details the process for submitting beneficiary claims as well as the appeals process.From reader reviews:
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