Service-Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learned (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series) by Barbara Jacoby
Service-Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learned (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series) by Barbara Jacoby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Service-Learning Essentials is the resource you need to help you develop high-quality service-learning experiences for college students. Written by one of the field's leading experts and sponsored by Campus Compact, the book is the definitive work on this high-impact educational practice. Service-learning has been identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities as having been widely tested and shown to be beneficial to college students from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Organized in an accessible question-and-answer format, the book responds clearly and completely to the most common questions and concerns about service-learning. Each chapter addresses issues related to individual practice as well as to the collective work of starting and developing a service-learning center or program, with examples drawn from a variety of disciplines, situations, and institutional types. The questions range from basic to advanced and the answers cover both the fundamentals and complexities of service-learning. Topics include:
- Determining what service-learning opportunities institutions should offer
- How to engage students in critical reflection in academic courses and in cocurricular experiences
- Best practices for developing and sustaining mutually beneficial campus-community partnerships
- Integrating service-learning into the curriculum in all disciplines and at all levels, as well as various areas of student life outside the classroom
- Assessing service-learning programs and outcomes
- The dilemmas of service-learning in the context of power and privilege
- The future of service-learning in online and rapidly globalizing environments
Service-learning has virtually limitless potential to enable colleges and universities to meet their goals for student learning while making unique contributions to addressing unmet local, national, and global needs. However, in order to realize these benefits, service-learning must be thoughtfully designed and carefully implemented. This easy-to-use volume contains everything faculty, leaders, and staff members need to know about service-learning to enhance communities, improve higher education institutions, and educate the next generation of citizens, scholars, and leaders.
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