Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Stormy Weather: My Bipolar Journey by Ph.D Manuel S. Silverman

Stormy Weather: My Bipolar Journey by Ph.D Manuel S. Silverman

Stormy Weather: My Bipolar Journey

Stormy Weather: My Bipolar Journey by Ph.D Manuel S. Silverman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In a poignant, yet humorous style, Silverman takes you along on an incredible journey of pleasure and pain. His book reaches from the "agony" of failed marriages, loss of other relationships and termination of employment to the "ecstasy" of spending sprees, promiscuity, risky behavior, instability and irrational outbursts of elation. Highlights of these experiences are all a part of this recantation. The reader is catapulted into Silverman's insightful, yet often warped picture of his world. In fact, Silverman attributes his being alive today to "intrusive" interventions and eventual comprehensive treatment, with healthy doses of medication management, individual therapy, couples therapy, support groups and a small circle of caring and understanding friends. Anyone living with bipolar disorder, as a consumer or a family member, will gain a fuller understanding of the insidious nature of this disease and the havoc that it reaps. It is anticipated that these insights may lead the reader to dealing more effectively with this disease and deciding to live a richer, fuller, more meaningful life.

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