Senin, 28 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Evidence into Practice: Integrating Judgment, Values, and Research by Laurita Hack PT DPT MBA PhD FAPTA, Jan Gwyer PT PhD FAPTA

Evidence into Practice: Integrating Judgment, Values, and Research by Laurita Hack PT DPT MBA PhD FAPTA, Jan Gwyer PT PhD FAPTA

Evidence into Practice: Integrating Judgment, Values, and Research

Evidence into Practice: Integrating Judgment, Values, and Research by Laurita Hack PT DPT MBA PhD FAPTA, Jan Gwyer PT PhD FAPTA PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The first text to provide comprehensive coverage of the three areas integral to evidence-based practice—clinical expertise, understanding patient values and circumstances, and analyzing evidence from the literature! This integration is the heart of the optimal practitioner-patient relationship and the path to the very best patient care.

Step by step, the authors show you how theory and practice come together with respect for patient values and circumstances to produce the best patient outcomes. A wealth of clinical examples and case scenarios make every concept clear.

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Evidence into Practice: Integrating Judgment, Values, and Research by Laurita Hack PT DPT MBA PhD FAPTA, Jan Gwyer PT PhD FAPTA EPub

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