Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Because of the Light: Poems by Roseann Lloyd

Because of the Light: Poems by Roseann Lloyd

Because of the Light: Poems

Because of the Light: Poems by Roseann Lloyd PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Roseann Lloyd's new collection is a book written by a confident American poet at the height of her powers. Lloyd enters the lives of people on several continents, then creates poems that balance and juxtapose northern and southern light; lyric joy and reports of injustice; myths and stories, told to her by people she met on her travels. In poetic forms from western and eastern traditions—such as the ghazal, the prose poem—Lloyd writes of love, poverty, beauty, work, children, war, the life of the body and the spirit.

Roseann Lloyd's War Baby Express (Holy Cow! Press, 1996) won the Minnesota Book Award for Poetry. A recipient of the Bush Foundation Fellowship, she lives in Minneapolis.

[bullet, under the cover]

o Available for National Poetry Month

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