Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Hardscrabble Harvest by Dahlov Ipcar

Hardscrabble Harvest by Dahlov Ipcar

Hardscrabble Harvest

Hardscrabble Harvest by Dahlov Ipcar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Hardscrabble Harvest is a charming story in verse about the running battle between a farm family and the mischievous animals that plunder their fields. Crows peck at freshly sown seeds, ducks eat new strawberry plants, rabbits nibble on tender lettuces, and raccoons dine on ears of ripening corn. All summer long the young farmer and his wife are hard-pressed to protect their growing crops. But autumn comes at last, and the family is ready to celebrate its harvest-bushels of red tomatoes, a cellar full of apples for cider, and pumpkins for pie. In rollicking verse and wonderful illustrations, Dahlov Ipcar tells of all the hard work that goes into making a bountiful fall harvest.

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