Miller's Art Deco: Living with the Art Deco Style by Judith Miller
Miller's Art Deco: Living with the Art Deco Style by Judith Miller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
With its streamlined shapes and forward-looking approach, the Art Deco style still looks modern today. In the 1920s and 1930s, designers and craftsmen made innovative use of both natural and man-made materials to produce elegant pieces that broke with tradition and celebrated the future. In this beautifully illustrated guide, antiques expert Judith Miller explores the key makers and pieces of the movement, explaining what to look for as a collector.
The book explores all the key collecting areas, with chapters on furniture, glass, ceramics, sculpture, metalwork, silver and jewellery, prints and posters, rugs and textiles. With clear price codes and biographies of key makers and designers, the book also contains "A Closer Look" and "Good, Better, Best, Masterpiece" features comparing ranges of items from makers and factories.
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