Trail Tested: A Thru-Hiker's Guide To Ultralight Hiking And Backpacking by Justin Lichter
Trail Tested: A Thru-Hiker's Guide To Ultralight Hiking And Backpacking by Justin Lichter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Vibrant images from Trauma's treks will entice all readers of all skill levels to get out and enjoy the backcountry. You'll learn why getting the right gear and learning outdoor skills are integral to making the most out of your next backpacking trip. Some topics included in this guide are:
* Gear advice, including backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, ultralight shetlers, and clothing
* Gear maintenance and repair
* Ultralight tips for novices to gram-counters
* Low-impact camping and hiking
* Campsite selection
* Hiking with dogs
* Navigating the backcountry
* Winter camping
* First aid
* Weather forecasting
* Advanced techniques for creating routes, cross-country hiking, fording rivers, multi-sport adventures, and animal encounters
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