Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook, Vol 2: Harmonic Catalog by Fred Welsh

Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook, Vol 2: Harmonic Catalog by Fred Welsh

Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook, Vol 2: Harmonic Catalog

Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook, Vol 2: Harmonic Catalog by Fred Welsh PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook, Vol. 2: Harmonic Catalog is intended for synthesizer players who have either read Volume 1 (black and yellow cover) or are familiar with using harmonic analysis to program synths. It contains over 230 frequency analysis graphs showing the harmonics of all the instruments in the orchestra, 808 and 909 drum machines, world instruments, vocals, sound effects and more. Using these graphs and the included Fre(a)koscope analyzer it is possible to recreate these instruments with high precision. CD includes Fre(a)koscope frequency analyzer VST plugin (Windows & Mac) as well as a full unlocked copy of the Lil' Devil additive synthesizer VSTi (Windows only). Visit www.synthesizer-cookbook.com/id13.html to view a sample of the book.

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Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook, Vol 2: Harmonic Catalog by Fred Welsh EPub

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