Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Witness: The Selected Poems of Mario Benedetti by Mario Benedetti

Witness: The Selected Poems of Mario Benedetti by Mario Benedetti

Witness: The Selected Poems of Mario Benedetti

Witness: The Selected Poems of Mario Benedetti by Mario Benedetti PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Poetry. Latino/Latina Studies. Bilingual Edition. Translated from the Spanish by Louise B. Popkin. Introduction by Margaret Randall. "It gives me great pleasure to see the work of Benedetti, one of the great poets of our language, made available to US readers in Popkin's wonderful translations. Her carefully crafted adaptations of Mario's poems convey all the wisdom, nostalgia, and irony that inform his verses in language that retains their musicality. Anyone who has translated poetry will appreciate what an accomplishment that represents"—Claribel Alegria.

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